Òscar Lorente

I am a Research intern at IRI (CSIC-UPC), with interest in Computer Vision and Deep Learning, especially in 3D vision applications (AR/VR, 3D reconstruction...) and reinforcement learning. In my last work I combined parametric and non-parametric models to improve multi-view 3D human reconstruction in situations with very sparse views.

I have a M.Sc. degree in Computer Vision from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. I carried out my master's thesis at IRI (CSIC-UPC), advised by Dr. Francesc Moreno-Noguer, Dr. Xavier Giró-i-Nieto (GPI) and Enric Corona Puyané. I completed my B.Sc. degree in Telecommunications Engineering at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, majoring in Audiovisual Systems, and I interned at the Image Processing Group and CD6, under the supervision of Dr. Josep Ramon Casas and Dr. Santiago Royo Royo, where I carried out my bachelor's thesis.

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master_thesis_1_png Multi-view 3D People Reconstruction combining Parametric and Non-parametric models
Òscar Lorente, Francesc Moreno-Noguer, Enric Corona

In the context of 3D human reconstruction, dissertation on the contribution of parametric models (SMPL) to the Implicit Differentiable Renderer (IDR), an architecture that implicitly represents the geometry as a zero level-set of a neural network, and uses differentiable rendering to train with weak 2D supervision.

video_surveillance_png Video Surveillance for Road Traffic Monitoring
Pol Albacar, Òscar Lorente, Eduard Mainou, Ian Riera
arXiv, 2021
arXiv / code

Solution to the third track of the AI-City Challenge, that aims to track vehicles across multiple cameras placed in multiple intersections spread out over a city. The methodology followed focuses first in solving multi-tracking in a single camera and then extending it to multiple cameras using siamese networks and metric learning.

3D_reconstruction_urban_scenes_png 3D Reconstruction of Urban Scenes
Josep Brugués, Òscar Lorente, Ian Riera, Sergi García
code / slides

3D reconstruction of buildings from a set of images taken from different points of view (frontal images of the façades and aerial images). Rectify the perspective distortion from a single view, estimate essential and fundamental matrix, calibrate a camera with a planar pattern, estimate the depth of points in the scene given two images, generate new views of the scene, and compute a 3D model either from a set of calibrated or uncalibrated cameras (SfM).

scene_understanding_png Scene Understanding for Autonomous Driving
Òscar Lorente, Ian Riera, Aditya Rana
arXiv, 2021
arXiv / code

Study of the behaviour of different configurations of RetinaNet, Faster R-CNN and Mask R-CNN (Detectron2) by a qualitative and quantitative evaluation on KITTI-MOTS, MOTSChallenge and out of context datasets.

image_classification_png Image Classification with Classic and Deep Learning Techniques
Òscar Lorente, Ian Riera, Aditya Rana
arXiv, 2021
arXiv / code

Image classifier using both classic computer vision techniques (Bag of Visual Words classifier using SVM) and deep learning techniques (MLPs, InceptionV3 and our own CNN: TinyNet).

museum_painting_retrieval_png Museum Painting Retrieval
Òscar Lorente, Ian Riera, Shauryadeep Chaudhuri, Oriol Catalan, Víctor Casales
arXiv, 2021
arXiv / code

Query by example CBIR system for finding paintings in a museum image collection using color, texture, text and feature descriptors in datasets with different perturbations in the images: noise, overlapping text boxes, color corruption and rotation.

pedestrian_detection_png Pedestrian Detection in 3D Point Clouds using Deep Neural Networks
Òscar Lorente, Josep R. Casas, Santiago Royo, Ivan Caminal
arXiv, 2020
arXiv / slides

PointNet++ based architecture to classify pedestrians in LIDAR point clouds using 3D clusters obtained by projecting 2D labels.

image_restoration_editing_png Image Restoration and Segmentation with Optimization Techniques
Òscar Lorente, Aditya Rana, Antoni Rodriguez
code / slides

Implement different optimization techniques to solve specific tasks: inpainting, Poisson editing, Chan-Vese segmentation and Markov Random Fields for image segmentation.

Design and source code from Jon Barron's website